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Writer's pictureStephanie Jeannot

A Letter to the People, on Martin Luther Kings's Dream and Haiti

Dear All of you people of the world,

Dr Martin Luther King Jr had a dream that is still the dream of this world today; that all men and women of this world are to be treated with respect and genuine love and enjoy justice equally. What the world is still in need of is love!

Ain't no way that because you are a person of color, that you are a jass card that could be played to win at the game of flushing you out of the belief that you are a beautiful people with a beautiful culture and a beautiful story, despite the ugliness that has been parenthesied into the lives of our ancestors in the past and still today on this earth on which we stand.

In hearing of the disheartening message that has been sent out about the state of this world, I have become so saddened by it. We have not yet progressed from the great divide that labels us as being different and this is something quite alarming to me.

Because we are family, I deemed today as a wonderful opportunity to address you all with love, peacefulness and a joy I have, to have been exposed to so much diversity in this world. I feel that somehow the differences I see in all the many breeds of us people, children of the one God who enabled us to enjoy the beauty of each other's similarities and differences as a family, are quite admirable. That's simply what families do; they love without limitations.

Don't allow those who fail to see your beauty, just because they want to believe that different is synonymous with worthless, disposable, trash, bad and no good, change your mind and knowledge and truth about the wonderfully made person you truly are.

For centuries, the world has been fighting against each other because of the abusiveness of the tongue. When do we stop bastardizing identities and instead realize that it is okay to love and find true commonalities, worth loving for your brothers and sisters who our one God, our father, also created?

Me too! Yes I can change my mind about who I am. I am loved by a God who thought that this being that he fearfully wonderfully made, was worthy of seeing another day. You too!

One thing I will say is that, if the revolution didn't happen in Haiti to make Haiti the first free nation in the world and cause a migration of a free black person's own choosing to the United States in New Orleans, the revolutionary language of jazz may have never existed that created an identity and documented that black people have beauty too; a beauty, I might add, that shithole verses of denigration, cannot hide.

We the people who form the more perfect union, establish justice and secure domestic tranquility, especially if it is extended with genuine love to all of the people of this world, could actually really provide a true common defense and promote the general welfare of each and every individual on this earthen space that we share. Let's let go of the hate, see the beauty of each other and secure the blessings of the liberties we have to see another day that our father, God, created just for us to see, for you and me. Do ordain and establish the just laws of this constitution by respecting all of the men, women and children of the United States of America and of the world; because we are one body that makes up the world. Let's remember to respect that!


Someone who cried after hearing the man we refer to as president, dehumanize some of his own earthen brothers and sisters in the world and then tried to defend it which made me feel ashamed.

This is definitely something to think about, that you find a reason to bastardize the integrity of what it means to be a descendant of someone who is from another land and American at the same time.

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1 Comment

Linh Trịnh
Linh Trịnh
Jan 15, 2018

Everyone deserves to have equal human rights. It's disappointing to see so many discriminatory actions from those selfish people. Thanks for this inspiring post!

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